Hverdagens problemer. Vores darlings.
Som Shopify Plus Partner er vi med til at udvikle og forfine fremtidens webshop-løsninger. Vi er sat i verden for at strømline og automatisere, og vi elsker at tage egen medicin. Når vi aner et mønster i vores kunders problemstillinger, udvikler vi derfor en app. Så er der styr på dén butik. Nogle af vores apps finder du i Shopify App Store, andre er unlisted og kræver lidt hjælp til installeringen.
What is an app?
Just like you use apps on your mobile, Shopify apps enable you to add specific features to your webshop. Developers from all over the world, including D.TAILS, provide these apps. They are available for all users in the Shopify App Store or can be more or less custom-built. There are apps for everything from marketing, accounting, SEO—you name it!
In the Shopify App Store, you'll find a collection of free and premium apps. Prices vary, but the majority cost 9.99 USD per month. If you need a custom app developed, you'll need to contact an app developer. The price for such an app depends on the size of the project.
There isn't a definitive answer to how many apps are ideal. However, it's important to be cautious when installing apps. The more apps you have, the greater the risk of them conflicting with each other. Therefore, it's also a good idea to clean up your apps from time to time.
D.TAILS offers a range of apps, besides our own, that we are particularly fond of. When we recommend an app, it's always based 100% on the individual's needs.