We mirror ourselves in our customers' success.

We admire ambitious clients. Those who dare to take risks. Because they trust that we know our field. Read our case studies and discover why you should have called us earlier.

Ismageriet: Fra WooCommerce til Shopify Plus: Stabilitet, skalerbarhed og skræddersyede løsninger

Nytårsaften gik Ismageriets WooCommerce-webshop ned. Det var dråben. Med Shopify Plus, og et skræddersyet produktionssystem, fik de en stabil, skalerbar løsning, der kunne håndtere både travle højtider og sommerens pop-up butikker. Læs, hvordan Ismageriet tog kontrollen tilbage!

OMHU: From WooCommerce to Shopify Plus: OMHU's Journey to a Scalable, International E-commerce Platform

OMHU transitioned from WooCommerce chaos to a scalable Shopify Plus solution with automated multi-store synchronization and custom-built features. Read how we made their international growth seamless.

From DanDomain to Shopify Plus: Luksusbaby Gets a Webshop That Matches Their Ambitions
Luksusbaby had long outgrown their old platform. With Shopify Plus and DTAILS' advanced solutions, Luksusbaby finally has a platform that supports their high ambitions—and makes everyday life easier.
The Kingdom of Meat's Recipe for Success: New Theme, #TieredDiscounts, and Shopify Plus Doubles Revenue

Med et nyt Shopify 2.0-theme, #TieredDiscounts og en opgradering til Shopify Plus fordoblede KødRiget deres omsætning på rekordtid. Læs hvordan vi hjalp med at løfte kundeoplevelsen og skabe imponerende resultater.

From Magento to Shopify: How Kalle Børnetøj Achieved an Efficient and Future-Proof Webshop
Kalle Børnetøj & Sko was tired of slow loading times, poor mobile optimization, countless manual processes, and not least, downtime during busy periods. With Shopify, they have gained a platform that allows them to focus on growth.
From Centra to Shopify: How Frama Simplified Their B2B Solution and Provided Customers with an Inspiring Shopping Experience
Frama's B2B journey transformed from complex to inspiring with a scalable Shopify solution. Discover how Frama streamlined logistics and pricing structure while optimizing customer experience. All on one platform.
Buy2Sell: From Ebay to Your Own B2B Webshop

With customers in over 100 countries and less than 3% of their sales within the Danish borders, eBay was the perfect gateway to a global market. As growth happened rapidly and eBay had its limitations, Buy2Sell decided to open their own sales channel - a B2B shop via Shopify.

Ortofon: From Umbraco to Shopify with Zero Disharmony
Ortofon has produced an almost endless amount of material over many, many years and today functions much like a second Wikipedia. Finding and purchasing just the right pickup for your turntable isn't necessarily an easy task. The old system, which was inflexible and costly, made it even more cumbersome. With Shopify, we have made Ortofon's user journey simple and straightforward, while also streamlining the entire setup behind the webshop itself.
Momkind: From WooCommerce to Shopify – Both Online and In-Store

Momkind is the go-to place for most people when they are expecting a baby or have just given birth. With a traffic-generating article database and a vibrant community, Momkind is on a significant growth journey, and their old WooCommerce solution could no longer keep up. However, Shopify can keep up, offering full standard integration with Traede, where Momkind manages inventory and collections. Additionally, Shopify's point-of-sale system, Shopify POS, seamlessly connects the webshop with physical stores.

The Army Painter: Enhancing Strategy with Shopify Plus

The old Magento solution was both inflexible and costly, necessitating a more dynamic system. With Shopify, the e-commerce department can now make updates themselves, knowing that all content syncs between the European and the American site.

Migration from DynamicWeb to Shopify: How Filterhuset Achieved Everything They Dreamed Of
With Shopify, Gorgias, and Klaviyo, Filterhuset achieved a future-proof, flexible, and highly customer-oriented ecommerce solution. The conversion rate is skyrocketing.
Gripgrab: From Basic to 2.0 – and a Wealth of Streamlined Options
The transition to 2.0 marked a farewell to makeshift solutions and time-consuming update work. The new shop boasts a stable back-end; it offers more capabilities while being set up more simply. In fact, the list of apps has been halved!
Rosemunde: Luxury Experience - Also for B2B Customers
Rosemunde's vision is clear - they aim to create experiences for their customers that provide a “luxury feeling - every day." A vision they bring to life daily through their extensive range of quality fashion. However, the luxury feeling doesn't...
Customer Service Optimization: How Luksusbaby Achieved 66% Faster Response Times with Gorgias
With centralized customer support at Gorgias, Luksusbaby has created room to grow. By consolidating all their communication onto one platform, Luksusbaby experienced an improvement in workflows that reduced their response times by 66%, while simultaneously increasing their automations by 45%.
Trollbeads: From Salesforce to Shopify Plus and Markets Solution
With numerous international distributors, Trollbeads needed a solution that could embrace a wide reach and simplify onboarding. With Shopify Markets and an advanced Klaviyo setup, Trollbeads can now easily share content and email flows.
Silva: From WooCommerce to Shopify Plus
When too many plugins and applications conflict with each other, it's time to start from scratch. We have created a stable and reliable solution that can handle SILVA's size and visually supports the brand.
Our Units: From Double Work to One Streamlined Platform
Two domains, numerous manual processes, and virtually no integrations made everyday operations tedious and slow. We have created a single platform that consolidates and automates these processes. Oh, happy day!
Frama: 100% Custom Theme
Gourmet experience for your money. FRAMA sells high-end lifestyle products to consumers, whom they want to treat with care. We have developed a custom-made webshop where absolutely nothing is left to chance.