The history of D.TAILS
“We want you to come to San Francisco for dinner!”
Those were the words spoken when D.TAILS’ founder, Kim Eriksen, picked up the phone in May of 2016. What seemed like a casual dinner invitation turned into an invitation to become Scandinavia’s first Shopify Plus Partner.
And why Kim? Well - it definitely wasn't a complete coincidence. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Kim is one of Denmark's most knowledgeable people, when it comes to Shopify. If not the most knowledgeable.
For more than 20 years, Kim has owned his own webshop ( and has been actively engaged in Denmark’s ecommerce industry. From board to advisory positions, including several years in the industry association FDIH (Chamber of E-commerce).
In 2013 Kim migrated his webshop to Shopify, which back then, was almost completely undiscovered in Europe. Yet, Kim saw the potential, and was able to transform his webshop from one he had previously spent half his time on - including many wasted hours - to one that got the job done.
The website transformation didn’t come without its challenges. Back then Shopify was built to accommodate US webshops, which created gaps in the available functions, such as shipping and payment options. As a Danish webshop, it was difficult to to get a word in edgewise - and the local updates, which would improve Shopify significantly, was not easy to get implemented. But Kim isn’t the type to throw in the towel. He established a Shopify network in Denmark, where he hosted yearly Shopify-user meetups. At these meet-ups he and other members could share their experiences. Through this initiative, Kim was able to become the spokesperson of the danish Shopify segment - communicating with Shopify on behalf of more than 200 webshops. That helped. Shopify took off in Denmark.
Shopify went international in 2016 - and that’s when the invitation to San Francisco arrived. Already on the flight home, Kim jotted down his plan:
“I’m going to create the agency that I myself have dreamt of being a customer with!”
As a webshop owner himself, Kim had worked with many different agencies and had no second thoughts about what D.TAILS’ mission statement would be.
All the consultants at D.TAILS must be nice people.