Customer service optimization: How Luksusbaby achieved 66% faster response times with Gorgias
Customer service optimization: How Luksusbaby achieved 66% faster response times with Gorgias
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Customer service optimization: How Luksusbaby achieved 66% faster response times with Gorgias
– Tanja Munch, Customer Service Manager, Luksusbaby
With centralized customer support and increased automation, Luksusbaby has room to grow.
Providing good customer service can be challenging. There are many components that need to work together - and much that needs to function so your customers get a good overall experience.
One area most companies find difficult to improve is their response times (FRT). When you receive hundreds - maybe even thousands of inquiries over the course of a week, you have to keep your wits about you to answer all customers within a reasonable timeframe, with a personalized response that puts the customer's problem at the center.
This was precisely the issue Luksusbaby faced. With over 3,000 customer inquiries across 20 different channels each week, it was easier said than done to provide timely personal customer service.
A centralized communication strategy executed via the customer service system Gorgias.
Who is
Luksusbaby is a Danish children's clothing retailer offering a selection of quality clothing, toys, and other equipment for children aged 0-16 years.
Over the past few years, Luksusbaby has undergone an extreme growth journey, which for their customer service means a team of 15 employees who together provide customer service for Luksusbaby's six online stores, as well as their two physical stores.
Luksusbaby har over 20 kommunikationskanaler deres kunder kan kontakte dem igennem. Fra e-mails til chatten på deres hjemmeside, og deres mange SoMe platforme, der også er separeret på lande/sprog. Det kan skabe en masse ineffektivitet og spildtid, når det samme team skal hoppe fra faneblad til faneblad, og login til login.
Ved at samle alt deres kommunikation på en platform, oplevede Luksusbaby en forbedring af arbejdsprocesser, som ultimativt reducerede deres svartider med 66%. Men det var ikke kun svartiderne, der blev markant forbedret. Via Gorgias automatiserings-værktøjer, fik Luksusbaby opbygget de rigtige flows for lige netop deres virksomhed. Dette øgede deres automatisering med 45%.
I skrivende stund bliver mange af deres forhenværende manuelle opgaver lavet ‘af maskinen', hvilket har skabt mere tid til værdifulde kundesamtaler. Så hvilket dele af deres kundeservice har Luksusbaby automatiseret?
En stor del af den øgede automatisering kommer blandt andet fra nøgleords-baseret tildeling af henvendelser, så kunder altid kommer til den rigtige person først - og Luksusbaby spare tid på at videresende henvendelser rundt i virksomheden.
Derudover, har Luksusbaby med automatiserede svar på de mest normale henvendelser, samt skabelon baserede svar, kunne spare tid på alt den repetitive kundeservice kommunikation.
Selvom de gentagne henvendelser om blandt andet forsendelse og ordrestatus, var nemme at besvare, slugte deres rene mængde store dele af kundeservice ressourcerne, hvilket efterlod supportteamet mindre tid til komplekse forespørgsler
Ved at bruge Gorgias værktøjer sikrer Luksusbaby hurtige, effektive og ensartede svar - samtidig med at den daglige arbejdsbyrde og håndteringstid bliver skåret ned. Med andre ord, har Luksusbaby opnået ekstremt skalerbare interne processer, der fremover kan være en støtte i deres vækstrejse i stedet for en risikofaktor.
'Some of our Instagram posts receive up to 3,000 comments, but we only need to act on 10-20 of them. Meta is a cumbersome tool, so it was very difficult to find these comments and then find them again when the customer responded. We spent a lot of time handling the few inquiries'
–Tanja Munch, customer service manager at Luksusbaby
Today, Luksusbabys Gorgias is set up to automatically route inquiries to the correct teams based on keywords, ensuring faster, prioritized responses that draw on the best team skills. Gorgias also automatically closes Meta tickets that do not require a response, allowing Luksusbabys team to focus on important messages.
''We have set up filters so that Facebook and Instagram comments that require a response are forwarded to a customer service representative, while all other inquiries are automatically closed. It is a great relief for us. Even during a live session, where we receive 3,000 comments in an hour, Gorgias filters and closes them so quickly that we can still continue to handle questions from other customers.''